Here are some kind words from our satisfied customers who have benefited from the professional advisors at TRPSO.
What a relief it was to meet Lisa Satin! After consulting with care facilities and placement consultants, most of whom were simply trying to sell us on their facility rather than actually help us find the best fit for our parents, Lisa began by asking pertinent questions about our parents and then actually listening to what we were hoping to find. Her knowledge of the range of elder care possibilities that are out there, combined with her marvelous way of relating to her clients with candor and honesty was just what we needed. She found the perfect Adult Family Home for our parents in a price range we could afford. Our parents are happy and well cared for, and so are we — thanks to Lisa Satin!
Susan S.
Mission accomplished! Thank you, for all of your hard work in finding the right place for my Mom.We moved her this weekend and I can’t begin to count the amount of times she has told me already that she loves her new home.
Lisa W.
Lisa has been a huge help to me and to my clients who are looking to transition their housing and lifestyles. She is very knowledgeable about the challenges and benefits of aging and how these come into play when deciding when and where to move.
Jessica S.
I am the primary caretaker for my eighty-five year old father. Lisa has been exceptionally helpful in helping me decide what facility to place him when that time comes. I at least won’t have to fret over this major decision. Lisa demonstrated a genuine interest and appreciation for the difficulties of my situation, as well as possessing in depth knowledge of elder care issues and resources.
Pat B.
I needed help finding a suitable living situation for my father-in-law back on the east coast. He was very isolated in his apartment. He had to deal with stairs coming and going with his portable oxygen tank, so he opted to stay put way too much. His nutrition was poor and he was really failing. Lisa, in Seattle, was able to research many appropriate assisted living places from across the country. She made the process manageable for my relatives by pre-screening places that would work perfectly for my father-in-law.
Lynna D.